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Life & Health Coach

Meet Lyle Thompson, a resilient individual whose life journey has taken him through various challenges and unexpected turns. Born and raised in the vibrant farming community of Saskatchewan, Lyle was nurtured by a loving and hard-working family. His entrepreneurial spirit emerged at the young age of 12 when he ventured into the world of purebred cattle, starting his first business.


Life presented Lyle with both triumphs and setbacks. By the time he reached 32, he found himself in significant debt due to adverse farming conditions. A health scare resulted in a week-long stay in intensive care, but thankfully, Lyle's heart has made a full recovery. These events led him to make a bold decision—to leave the farming community behind and seek new opportunities.


Lyle set his sights on Saskatoon, where he embarked on a successful career in real estate. As his professional life flourished, he ventured into entrepreneurship once again, starting a business that eventually became overwhelming. In 1998, Lyle relocated to Calgary, but the challenges he faced caused his business to cease operations within two years. This period was marked by uncertainty and soul-searching, as Lyle pondered his next steps.


Driven by his desire to explore new horizons, Lyle obtained licenses in the insurance and mutual fund industries. Although he encountered moments of stress along the way, fate took him on a unique path. He found himself in the tourism industry, serving as a fleet manager for a tour company. The role demanded his resilience, adaptability, and the ability to navigate unexpected situations on a daily basis.


However, life had another twist in store for Lyle. The COVID-19 pandemic brought the tourism industry to a standstill, leaving him once again contemplating his future. While temporarily delivering food for a company, Lyle knew deep down that he desired a more fulfilling path for this stage of his life.


On February 27th, 2022, fate intervened again when Lyle suffered multiple fractures in his leg and foot. Little did he know that this seemingly unfortunate event would become a catalyst for change. During his recovery, he discovered the coaching industry, and as he lay there, contemplating his purpose and how to help others, a newfound clarity emerged. Lyle immersed himself in health and life coaching courses, graduating with a deep understanding of the human experience. He is currently pursuing an extended course with CIJ Clarity Catalyst, further refining his skills and knowledge.


Lyle's own journey, marked by significant moments of stress, has fueled his passion to support others burdened by stress, particularly single parents who face unique challenges. With his wealth of life experience to draw upon, Lyle delves into the depths of stress-related issues, providing profound guidance and assistance. His ultimate aspiration is to be the best version of himself, making a positive impact on humanity.


Today, Lyle stands ready to accompany you on your transformative journey. With his friendly and approachable nature, he will help you navigate stress and overcome obstacles. Together, you can unlock a path to a happier, more fulfilled life.

Set up a 15-minute Discovery Call to work with me!

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